The Reason

It's been quiet here on A Thinking Stomach, and there's a reason for it:

This summer, we learned that E may win a great job; in September, he won it; last week, he moved north to start it.

Ever since the possibility of the move came up I was certain it would happen, so I stopped planning for a fall or winter garden, and started planning on shutting things down. Every step outside to work in the yard now is an effort to clean up, clear out, erase. I'll be here in Southern California for two more months, shutting the ranchito down and selling it, cleaning up our rental property and selling that, closing up my chapter at my school, and in general, transitioning. It's a lot. But, I am enough. 

I'm not ready to write about what the ranchito has taught me in our years here, or to reflect on two decades at my school, but I did want to give you a glimpse of what's going on so you know the reason for the silence. 

It's not an unhappy silence—I'm so excited for the new possibilities the Bay Area will provide the two of us, the new growing climate to learn, the new places to explore—and it's only a temporary silence. A Thinking Stomach is not a place, but a part of me, and it goes where I go. 

This morning, a quiet fog settled over the garden and the canyon. I worked cleaning out a vegetable bed, and dug up the ginger that had grown from the single piece I planted this spring. After pulling it up and handling it's pearly newest shoots, my fingers smelled like candy. This life, even in the midst of change and anxiety, sleeplessness and hard, hard work, is sweet.


Christina, I am so excited for you and E and the next chapter in your lives. Good luck with the myriad little details to get you there. Also, you're going to be within striking distance of one of our favorite cities, Seattle!
Michelle said…
How very exciting, but I don't envy you the tasks of actually moving and selling and buying. Ah, but the fun of setting up a new home and garden is enviable. I'm interested to see where you put down new roots - perhaps close to one of my old stomping grounds...
Christina said…
Terry B: I do like Seattle, but San Francisco ain't too shabby either, and I'm excited to be (near) there. Thank you for the well-wishes--I need them right now. I'm trying to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

Michelle: Our rental is in the Belmont hills; I'm not sure where we'll buy when we do, likely somewhere in San Mateo or Belmont. I look forward to learning from whatever new microclimate we settle in.

Anonymous said…
How exciting! Best wishes, and keep us posted. We were wondering what was on . . .
I know you mostly through your blog so the transition is easy smeasy on this end. I wish you luck and am sure you will be over the moon happy where ever you place your bed.
Unknown said…
Your excitement is always palpable in your words, whether the topic is seeds, garden secrets, a yummy recipe or now, an inviting move. I'm thrilled for you. I have learned so much from you through your blog, much of it in attitude and enthusiasm. You are enough. I look forward to the new chapters, but will miss sharing an ecosystem with you. I loved the fog this morning.
Christina said…
Anonymous: Thank you!

PA: Thank you! Our rental seems fine for now, but no room for a real garden. I look forward to building anew once we settle.

Leslie: Thank you for the kind words. I'm having a sappy day towards the ranchito today--the giant fuyu persimmons are coming in and they're so good. I'll miss this tree.
lucy said…

well done, you.

and a move, such a big, bold move, climate-wise. new lessons - they make me feel both dread and excited.

thinking of you, hoping it goes smoothly...and remember that you are the gardener you are now 'cos of what you've learned here. xx