So Big

Today I walked the dog, cut back the Mexican marigold and renegade sumac, tended the compost pile. And my intern and I picked blueberries, cleaned up under the peaches and harvested a bunch, then shucked the earliest beans to dry.

Among the beans was one of the most beautiful variations I'd ever seen, a Blue Shackamaxon perhaps exhibiting some crossed genetics or perhaps a mutation. The colors, jade and indigo, are hard to catch with my camera, but it gleamed jewelish. It looked like blue continents in a green ocean, the reverse of what the astronauts see gazing back at home, an earth in a bean.

There is no end to beauty.


CAC said…
Ooh! Are you going to save them to grow out?
Christina said…
CAC: It is just one seed in the group so far . . . I should give it a try and see what happens . . .
Anonymous said…
All so beautiful. Will you do a second planting? I have some that are almost ready to come down and am wondering if I have time to grow another crop.
Christina said…
Jessica: We've got time for another crop; I've never tried planting a second crop of pole beans, but mine are so done already for the year that I think a second drop is in order. You try and I'll try, and let's compare notes.