Happy New Year
From "The Country of Marriage," by Wendell Berry.

And on to what 2011 brings us. May you and yours be brave with each other and keep on going in.
"Sometimes our life reminds me
of a forest in which there is a graceful clearing
and in that opening a house,
an orchard and garden,
comfortable shades, and flowers
red and yellow in the sun, a pattern
made in the light for the light to return to.
The forest is mostly dark, its ways
to be made anew day after day, the dark
richer than the light and more blessed,
provided we stay brave
enough to keep on going in."
And on to what 2011 brings us. May you and yours be brave with each other and keep on going in.
Happy New Year, my friend. x
Mary: Thank you, Mary. I wish you the same.
Ann: Thanks Ann. Many good wishes for you and Isaac too.
Gonna be a goodie, this year. Hope yours is grand. X