My Garden is a Battlefield
A quick break from painting the kitchen to show you the troops and the bounty.

From top to bottom: a Kosovo tomato, Black and Brown Boar tomato, Guernsey Island Pink Blush tomatoes, another Kosovo tomato, Goldie groundcherries.
My Army
My Conquest
If you'd like to see what others are growing, stop by Daphne's Dandelions for the Harvest Monday roundup.
I hope your cat is a harder worker than ours.
Allison: Thanks!
Pam: Well, I don't blame your kitten! Mantises are pretty entertaining!
Villager: And I've got more interesting varieties coming! The cat isn't ours, but has adopted us (petting it and feeding it seem to have helped), and she's a mighty fine hunter. She's still young and hasn't figured out gophers yet, but she's got mice, rats, squirrels and the like down. She's a winner.
Michelle: Both are delicious. The Kosovo is a particularly well-rounded tomato; as an oxheart, it is nearly seed free, so it is great for canning, but it has the flavor of a big juice beefsteak.
Lori: Thanks!
I do have winter squash ready now though, which surprises me.
Those are unusual varieties of tomato! If you ever feel so inclined, I'd love it if some time you post your thoughts about their taste and how well they grew in your area.
Daphne: Your pineapple tomatillos and my groundcherries are probably the same thing. The Latin name for them is Physalis pruinosa. I also have Physalis peruviana growing, which is a much more vertical plant with bigger, tangier fruit.
Sherry: You're welcome!
Gina: Most of my tomatoes are still green too; it is only a few plants that have started producing already.
Thyme2garden: The Black and Brown Boar looks like a typical "black" colored tomato inside, with mahogany flesh and green gel around the seeds. They're yummy.
Angela: Oh, my annual tomato review is coming, don't you worry. But I want to have a bigger range of varieties to report on at the same time, so it probably won't happen until August.
Ann: And they're yummy too. They're very early-producing for such a large-fruited variety. They may work well in your climate.
Meghan: Aren't they delicious? And the package description fits them perfectly.