A Warm Car on a Cold Road

Altadena, CA to Taos, NM in three-and-a-half days.


Wow! Gorgeous photos.
Michelle said…
Great road trip and beautiful shots! Have fun...
Wendy said…
Anonymous said…
It would have been 2-1/2 days, but Miss Stomach insisted on stopping for numerous photo sessions.

These shots are great. Where is the badlands a few pictures from the bottom?
Kale for Sale said…
Thank you for the taste of the desert. I could feel it. Happy New Year to you.
Christina said…
Meghan: Thanks!

Michelle: We had a blast, and are now trying to get back into the swing of things.

Wendy: I almost dedicated this post to you because you always blow me away with your photography. I can only imagine what you'd do with the same natural scenery . . ..

AH: HA! Actually, it would have only been 1-1/2 days. I'm such a dawdler. The badlands are in Petrified Forest National Park, a fascinating place.

Kale for Sale: Happy New Year back at ya! I hope 2010 is a beautiful year for you.

Pam: Thanks!
Petrea Burchard said…
How did you do it? This would have taken me weeks!
Amy said…
Beautiful, gorgeous, and more beautiful. I am green with envy over your roadtrip, it looks full of my kind of places. :)
ann said…
I have GOT to see that part of the world as an adult. I just didn't appreciate it as a sixth grader (does anyone appreciate anything as a sixth grader?). Have a very happy new year Christina! All the best for the happiest, healthiest 2010.
Unknown said…
Wow..I was totally transported by your photographs. Thanks for the ride!
ps3 cable hdmi said…
Those are so wonderful places. I loved all your photos. Seems like you had a rocking road trip!
AJK said…
These are amazing photos!!!
chaiselongue said…
Amazing photos of incredible landscapes! Happy new year!