Where I've Been

Sorry for the delay in a post; I've been out of town, see? More soon.


Wendy said…
I love New York and I love your pictures of it. Especially the woman by the fountain. I want to be that chilled out!
ann said…
So glad to finally have gotten to meet in person! And I'm highly jealous of your pictures, they're beautiful! Sometimes I think seeing the city through an outsider's eyes is the most beautiful way to see it. I love that bunny, I can't believe you found a Brooklyn rabbit that would sit that still for you!
Amy said…
Really gorgeous photos! That is a city I definitely need to spend more time in.
Lucy said…
Loved New York. Loved, loved, loved.

The 'Honking' signs were one of my favourite things.

Lovely to see it through your eyes (and to have you back!).
Jean Z. said…
Food blog or photography blog? Great job! -- Jean
sarahww said…
Beautiful photos -- I love how evocative each one is, in its own way. Looks like it was an amazing trip!
Anonymous said…
I'm very ashamed to admit that though I've been all over Europe, I've never been to our own New York City.
Christina said…
Wendy: I know, isn't that lady just relaxing to look at?

Ann: I had such a blast meeting you. I hope to do it again.

AmyR: Thanks! It's a place that I dearly love.

Lucy: Aren't they great?

WHTTC: Both, doncha know.

SWW: It was; I can't wait to tell you all the details!

AH: Well, that is a changeable statistic. I do hope you get a chance to get there to eat, drink, read, and live up the city.
Bec said…
Beautiful photos!
Can you hear the envy all the way from Chicago, Christina?