Fresh Dates

I'm here. I'm still waiting for "the big thing" to get off the ground, but I think it is happening in the near future. Fresh days are close ahead.


Elizabeth Chase said…
Pears grow on vines? Or are those potatoes? Do you see how badly I need a cooking class?? ;)

I can feel it in my bones that your "big thing" is going to happen more quickly and smoothly than what exists in your exhausted imagination.

Wendy said…
Best of luck with everything! :)

Was the Scottish info of any use to your parents btw?
Christina said…
E-beth: They're dates, just not yet dried. Don't feel bad--I hadn't seen them before recently either. Thanks for your support.

Wendy: Thank you. Yes, my parents LOVED all that great information you sent. They sat down with maps and already started studying the country. Thank you so much.
Anonymous said…
I love the flavor of fresh dates! How flawless these look, Christina.
Susan C said…
What a beautiful photo of the dates, Christina.

Eagerly awaiting the "big news."
ThrtnWmsFam said…
First, I love the title of your blog. Very appropo. As to the dates, I've never seen them grown before. Amazing!! Thank you for a wonderful blog. I look forward to catching up with the entries soon. Vikki near Denver, Colorado //
Christina said…
nikkipolani: Thank you. They really are special.

Susan C.: You won't have to wait much longer!

Thornton Williams Familiy: Welcome to A Thinking Stomach. Thanks for coming by.