Big Life

Please excuse me for a couple of weeks. Something wonderful and huge is happening around here in Thinking-Stomach-Land, and don't you worry, I'll let you know all the details as soon as I can.

In the meantime, I charge you with a task. Here is the context: this summer, I was lucky enough to stumble across COFEA (Co-op and Food Exchange of Altadena), a group of local gardeners who share and exchange their bounty with each other. This group has proven to me the accessibility of localism; one person doesn't have to grow everything! In fact, with some of the struggles I've experienced in my garden, I haven't been able to growly nearly as much as I would have liked. Luckily, basil grows like a weed for me and people seem to want it, and for big bouquets of basil, I've received some wonderful garden produce.

Here is the task: if you're a food-growing gardener, find someone or a group of someones with whom you can tag-team garden. Don't be limited by lack of space. Perhaps you can grow the chilies on a balcony while another person grows the tomatoes and a third grows the cilantro—it will be a salsa party every time you get together. COFEA uses yahoo groups to organize, but there are many different means of doing the same thing. Just find what works for you. I can't wait to hear your ideas, successes, and even the hiccups along the way of making this happen near you.

Part of a spread from a recent COFEA get-together. Everything is from someone's back (or front) yard.


Wendy said…
Challenge accepted. Will get looking for partners ASAP.
Will be on the edge of my sofa until I hear your big news!!!!
Dea Anne said…
Chritina, I accept your challenge. What a great way to encourage people to grow! I can't wait to hear your news. Your wonderful blog has been an inspiration to me in recent month in gardening, cooking, and writing. Thanks!
I'm not even vaguely gardening, Christina, but I am totally excited for you for whatever is currently transpiring. Very, very cool.
AJK said…
Thanks for sharing about COFE! I applied for the group membership too! I don't know if I qualify yet!
I used to do something similar with a friend who had a big back yard - she was not planting anything, and I lived in a small condo, so I "leased" space in her backyard. As I recall, it cost me a bowl full of tomatoes!
Anonymous said…
I hope you're something is going well! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see the results!!! Eeeeeeee! It makes me giddy with happiness :-)
Anonymous said…
This looks so cosy and homemade! :) I love such meals.

Amsie from Singapore.