Because Words Won't Do It: Sintra, Portugal


Meg said…
Beautiful! The architecture is fantastic--I want that keyhole window in my house.
Unknown said…
Beautiful photos!
sarahww said…
These are fantastico -- words really wouldn't suffice. glad you're back and can't wait to see/hear more.
Wendy said…
My! you're well travelled this year! :) These photos are absolutely stunning. I've only ever been to the north of Portugal. Didn't realise there was such a strong Moorish influence further south.
The final photo is my favourite. Is it door?
Anonymous said…
Such beautiful use of light & shadow. I love the shapes of things that aren't literally there. And, can I say how obsessed I am with those hand shaped doorknockers? So obsessed. I love that one, the color, the age... So wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Christina said…
Meg: You can have the window; I want the whole Palacio da Pena for my house! I fell head over heels for that building.

Bobbi: Thanks!

Sarah: Oh, you would have loved it, my friend.

Wendy: Thank you. Yes, that is the knocker on a door that we saw walking through town. I wanted to steal it and take it home, but I couldn't figure out how to fit it in my suitcase.

Ann: I thought of you immediately when I saw the knocker, because you always notice those architectural details and highlight them in your photography. I'm glad you like it.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christina! Nice to meet you through the blogs and thanks for your advice on the eggplant. I did wait too long on a few and they were bitter and seedy. Looking forward to exploring your blog. I work not far from where you live (in lovely downtown Irwindale).
Lucy said…
Words. Who needs 'em?

Right. I know where I want to go next...beautiful. You had fun?
Anonymous said…
Those are nice pictures! It looks at least like you had a great time.

Why are you the lucky one that gets to travel so much around Europe! I wish I could do that. I haven't been to Portugal in almost 25 years. We were in Spain not too long ago...
Anonymous said…
Oh my, these are truly fantastic! Thanks for sharing them!!!
Christina said…
NikkiPolani: Nice to meet you too! You work not far from where I work--the school where I work is closer to Irwindale than it is to Pasadena.

Lucy: I mostly had fun. A few glitches, but that is part of the story. I certainly loved what I saw.

Patrick: Thanks for the compliments. I'd love to go to Spain some time. As for why I'm traveling--I never expected to get to go to Portugal this summer, but I had to take the opportunity when it came up. I guess I married well! :)

Kelly: You are most welcome!