Introducing the Peter Pepper

They're easy to grow. In fact, they grow quite quickly, almost on their own.


In certain weather conditions, shrinkage may occur.

They're hot. Very hot. 

 Size seems to bear no effect on their potency.

No two are alike.


You are so very naughty, Christina. I approve, he said smiling.
Anonymous said…
You made me blush.
michelle said…
LOL, very hot indeed...
AJK said…
Oh my....! Wait, wait! I've got one too!
Sophie said…
Look at those little guys! Their gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Shrinkage....he he
Carrie said…
I'm growing these too! And I giggle every time I pick one.
Trish said…
we had a batch of red peppers that ended up looking a lot like these. I didn't want to mention shrinkage but...well, now you've made it ok! ;-)

our weather has been so wild this year, few crops are looking as they should. Though even thru this zig-zag summer of waaaaay too hot or darn cold, the zucchini and green beans have made it juuuust fine.
Hmmm .... it took this Brit a few minutes to work out the joke! I do see it now though, especially the bit about shrinkage! We had a couple of peppers like that this year - but we're British, we don't like to talk about such things.
the good soup said…
They're so cute! I'm looking in my seed catalogue for them now. I haven't had much luck with my chillies lately. nemotodes, maybe.
Charlie Hustle said…
I grew mine from seed, then transplanted them into about a 1-gallon pot. They seemed to take a while. I just pulled the first three this past week.